Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

František Iša:
Zpráva o jezech na horním a středním Labi z roku 1554 (a jejich způsobilosti k voroplavbě)

2018, roč. 51, č. 2, s. 91-113


Report on the weirs situated on the upper and middle course of Elbe (Labe) from 1554 (and their capacity for timber rafting)

A report written in 1554 by the commission established by Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria and governor of Bohemia includes new valuable information on the subjects of weirs located on the upper and middle course of the Elbe river. This report describes their technical suitability for transporting timber from the deep woods of the Giant Mountains foothills to the silver mines near Kutná Hora and further into the lowland region Polabí. In addition to the transcription of this report, the author also describes the circumstances of its creation.

Language: czech

Keywords: Elbe river; weirs; sluice; timber rafting; early modern era

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