Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Jiří Neustupa:
Algologie a protistologie na Německé univerzitě v Praze v meziválečném období I. Adolf Pascher a jeho odkaz

2017, roč. 50, č. 4, s. 234-258;


Algology and protistology at the German University in Prague in the inter-war period, I. Adolf Pascher and his legacy

The study focuses on the life and work of Adolf Pascher, one of the most prominent phycologists and protistologists of the 20th century. Almost for his entire life Pascher worked at the German University in Prague. Since 1933 he was the director of the Botanical Institute and Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science. Present study illustrates Pascher’s career and shows that his studies was largely based in application of Haeckels biogenetic rule to microorganisms and algae. Finally, Pascher’s work and life in times of the Third Reich, as well as later significance of his studies are discussed.

Language: czech

Keywords: Adolf Pascher; German University in Prague; history of biology; algology

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