Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Marek Otisk:
Arabské intelektuální inspirace latinského Západu kolem roku 1000

2013, roč. 46, č. 4, s. 217-237;


Arabic intellectual inspiration of the Latin West around year 1000

This paper deals with three Arabic intellectual inspirations of the Latin Christian West around the year 1000 – a mathematical table called ‘abacus’, a decimal positional system, and an astrolabe, the famous astronomical and astrological tool. The aim of this paper is to modify the traditional view of knowledge transfer from Arabic world into Latin world (translatio studiorum), particularly with regard to the initial period and motives of this transfer.

Language: czech

Keywords: abacus; astrolabe; Catalonia; 10th century; Gerbert of Aurillac

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