Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Pavel Drábek:
Hájkova verze Mattioliho herbáře

2010, roč. 43, č. 2, s. 103-112


The Hájek’s Version of the Mattioli's Herbal

The Italian physician Pietro Andrea Mattioli cooperated with Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku during his stay in Prague. For the edition of a new Czech herbarium (1562) Hájek translated into Czech the important parts of the Mattioli’s publication Commentarii in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis … de materia medica dealing with the medicinal herbs. In this new herbarium Hájek included medical advice. For this purpose he also used an older Czech herbarium from the year 1517 written by Czech surgeon Jan Černý. The article presents some new possibilities for the further research in this field.

Language: czech

Keywords: botany; herbals; Jan Černý; Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku; P. A. Mattioli

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