Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Jiří Janáč:
Social and cultural history of technology: Toward conceptualization of technology in Anglo-Saxon history I. (up to 1970)

2019, Volume 52, Issue 2, pp. 79-94;


The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Czech readers to the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of technology development in Anglo-Saxon historiography. The recently published volume, edited by Lucie Štorchová et al., Koncepty a dějiny: Proměny pojmů v současné historické vědě (Praha, 2014) provided Czech audience with an authoritative and up-to-date overview of contemporary historiography, but it does not include a chapter on technology. The paper, designed to fill this gap, has for practical reasons been divided into two parts – the first dealing with formation of professional history of technology as a research field before 1970, the second focusing on the most recent developments inspired by constructivism.

Language: czech

Keywords: history of technology, technological change, historiography, social theory

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