Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

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Instructions for download

Citation Guidelines for Authors

Article Template

Reviewed Papers 

Article - each issue regularly publishes at least two articles or studies that are the result of original research, bring previously unpublished findings, or make an original contribution. The maximum length is limited to 54.000 characters including spaces.

Occasionally, the journal publishes specific and material-oriented texts:

  • Communication - a short professional treatise presenting unpublished findings, a material study of a primarily factual or informative overview character, e.g. commenting on a source, or a reflective or reminiscent text of a factual or documentary nature.
  • Essay - an essayistic or reflexive contribution, e.g. in the form of an introductory article to a year or thematic block, if it has factual justification and professional relevance.
  • Document - a professionally annotated editorial disclosure of a previously unpublished source or document.
  • Oral History - a professionally conducted, annotated and source-based interview with an original contribution to the contemporary history of science.
  • Bibliography - an annotated, professionally relevant personal or subject bibliography.
  • Anniversary articles - an article specifically focused on an anniversary; usually related to the theme chosen for that year of journal.

Papers listed in sections given above are subject to anonymous peer review. Each text is evaluated by at least two experts, and on the basis of their opinions, the editorial board of the journal decides on the conditions of publication of the submitted text. The reviews are internal material of the editorial board and are archived. The results of the review process are communicated to the author as soon as possible by the editorial staff. 

All peer-reviewed manuscripts include the following mandatory structure (according to the downloadable article template above): a) title, b) author, c) annotation, d) keywords, e) main text with references or reference list, f) abstract, g) author's affiliation and contact details, f) appendices, if applicable. 

Non-reviewed contributions

Outside the peer review process, the journal publishes:

  • Extensive or critical book reviews of publications in the field (in addition to bibliographic data, the reviewed works may carry their own title) or smaller reports on publications.
  • Reports on recent or future events in the field at home and abroad, research, popularization, scientific events and other activities in the history of science and technology 
  • Discussions in the form of reflection, commentary or polemic on current events in the field.
  • Editorials by editorial board or at the beginning of a thematic issue or block of articles; or other types of announcements and comments.

The editorial board makes decision on the professional relevance and publication of these contributions.

Submission of Papers 

The author submits the paper to the editorial office (; the editorial office then informs the author whether the paper is accepted for review. Authors are advised to follow citation guidelines as close as possible. 

A paper accepted for publication following the peer-review process is submitted to the editorial office in its final form, edited according to the formal requirements and with all mandatory elements as specified in the template (downloadable on the top of this page). Failure to comply with these rules may be grounds for not accepting the text for further editorial processing or returning it to the author for the additional copy editing. The final form of the text, mutually agreed between the author and the editors, cannot be further modified by the author. Only if necessary is the text submitted to the author for checking after proofreading. 

The author receives a proof of the typesetting for checking and, if necessary, making minor factual, technical or typographical corrections (typos, errors, changes in word range) within a specified time limit (usually two weeks). At this stage of preview and typesetting, the paper cannot be further edited, supplemented or expanded. 

The author will receive two printed copies of the issue of the journal containing his/her published paper.