Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Marie Bahenská:
Kariéra Milady Paulové aneb genderová cesta k úspěchu?

2022, roč. 55, č. 3, s. 173-181


Milada Paul's career or a gendered path to success?

The paper focuses on Milada Paulová, a representative of the first generation of Czechoslovak women scientists. As the first female scientist, she systematically built her academic career according to male models, while relying on the support of her teachers and expecting support from political circles when necessary. The text analyzes the aspects that led Paul to the pinnacle of her scientific career and attempts to locate gendered elements of her behavior, if any.

Language: czech

Keywords: Czechoslovakia, 20th century, science, women, gender

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