Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Jakub Kocurek:
Wardian case – Wardova schránka, jednoduchý vynález, který změnil svět. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward a jeho vynález v kontextu dobové vědy, společnosti a kultury

2018, roč. 51, č. 1, s. 10-31;


The Wardian case, simple invention that changed the world.

The article deals with a key invention by N. B. Ward for successful plant introductions – the Wardian case. The personality of Dr. Ward and his invention are presented within the context of the science and culture of the British Victorian era. The multiple problems linked to plant introductions in the pre-Wardian times, the later application of the Wardian case for the spread of cash crops, as well as its fashionable modifications and role in the Pteridomania are discussed.

Language: czech

Keywords: Wardian case; N. B. Ward; plant transports; plant introductions; British Empire; plant trade

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