Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Petr Hadrava, Alena Hadravová:
Nová akvizice Národní knihovny a její význam pro dějiny astronomie

2017, roč. 50, č. 3, s. 192-208;


New Acquisition of the National Library and its Meaning for the History of Astronomy

The National Library in Prague acquired in 2016 incunable of Opus super sapientiam Salomonis by Robert Holkot to which eighteen manuscript pages are added. They contain two astronomical tables and a short explanatory text. One of the tables is the Table of astrological houses for the seventh clima. The other one – the Equation of time – is ascribed to Wenzeslaus Faber of Budweis and it is really identical with the table published in his Opusculum tabularum utile verarum Solis et Lunae coniunctionum (1494). Both tables are analyzed here and discussed in their historical contexts.

Language: czech

Keywords: history of astronomy; Wenceslaus Faber de Budweis; astronomical tables

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