Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Pavla Jirková:
„Medicinisches Pest-Consilium“ a další lékařská pojednání publikovaná s podporou úředních autorit v habsburské monarchii v druhé polovině 17. století

2017, roč. 50, č. 2, s. 122-140


Medicinisches Pest-Consilium“ and other medical treatises published with the support of official authorities in Habsburg Monarchy in the 2nd half of the 17th century

The submitted study deals with the issue of medical tests relating to the prevention and treatment of plague. They were published in press or hand-written form in the second half of the 17th century in the Habsburg monarchy countries. An essential criterion for including these texts in the analysis has been their relation to the official authorities of that time. The objective of the study is to introduce three selected medical treatises coming from the territories of Bohemia and Silesia and to ascribe them broader geographical and chronological contexts. The common aspect of these treatises is their relation to the plague epidemic which struck the central European area at the turn of the 70s and 80s of the 17th century.

Language: czech

Keywords: plague; epidemics; medicine; Early Modern Period; the Habsburg Monarchy; the Czech lands

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