Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Magda Dostálová:
Alchymista Petr Hlavsa ve službách Viléma z Rožmberka – myšlenkový svět a společenské poměry českého alchymisty v 16. století

2014, roč. 47, č. 4, s. 223-237;


Alchemist Petr Hlavsa in services of Wilhelm von Rosenberg (Vilém z Rožmberka) – the world of thought and social conditions of a Bohemian alchemist in the 16th century

The main theme of the study is alchemy developed at the court of Wilhelm von Rosenberg (1535–1592). The article is a sequel to the study “Alchemist Petr Hlavsa in services of Wilhelm von Rosenberg – operational processes and technical equipment of laboratory.” It analyzes the correspondence of Petr Hlavsa, the alchemist and manager of Wilhelm von Rosenberg. Hlavsa was supposed to oversee all of the work in laboratories in Prague and Třeboň and to inform Wilhelm about achieved progress. This article gives an idea of the reality in Rosenberg’s laboratories. It especially describes the relationships among alchemists, and it engages in the alchemist’s world of thought.

Language: czech

Keywords: alchemy; sociology of scientific knowledge; faith; Wilhelm von Rosenberg; Petr Hlavsa of Liboslav; Václav Březan

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