Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Magda Dostálová:
Alchymista Petr Hlavsa ve službách Viléma z Rožmberka – pracovní postupy a technické vybavení laboratoria

2014, roč. 47, č. 2, s. 91-110;


Alchemist Petr Hlavsa in services of Wilhelm von Rosenberg (Vilém z Rožm­berka) – operational processes and technical equipment of laboratory

The main theme of the study is alchemy developed at the court of Wilhelm von Rosenberg (1535–1592). It should give certain idea of reality in Rosenbergs laboratories. There is analysis of the correspondence of Petr Hlavsa, the alchemist and manager of Wilhelm von Rosenberg. Hlavsa was supposed to oversee all of the works in laboratories in Prague and Třeboň and to inform Wilhelm about achieved progress. Letters provide perspectives on alchemical operations, especially on transmutation techniques, and describe relationships between alchemists in Rosenbergs laboratories.

Language: czech

Keywords: alchemy; early modern science; mining and metallurgy; Wilhelm von Rosenberg; Petr Hlavsa of Liboslav; Bavor Rodovský of Hustiřany; Václav Březan

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