Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Zdeněk Koleška:
Entomologická historie Prahy a vědeckého výzkumu pražské entomofauny, 3. část

2014, roč. 47, č. 1, s. 36-57;


Entomological history of Prague and of research of Prague entomofauna. 3rd part

The third part of the study follows Prague entomological activities in the independent Czechoslovak Republic from 1919 to the end of 1980s. It covers the work of Czechoslovak Entomological Society members until 1938, and their research, collector and publication activities. The article further discusses the work of entomologists during the German occupation. It also presents research on entomofauna after World War II, focusing on team work in the research of Prague localities, and the origin of new entomological workplaces.

Language: czech

Keywords: J. Obenberger; L. Heyrovský; Entomological department of the National Museum and research of its workers in Prague; team research of localities in parts of Prague – Troja, Krč, Sv. Prokop, Stromovka; the CSAS Institute of Entomology

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