Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Zdeněk Koleška:
Entomologická historie Prahy a vědeckého výzkumu pražské entomofauny, 1. část

2013, roč. 46, č. 3, s. 164-180;


Entomological history of Prague and of research of Prague entomofauna. 1st part.

The first part of this study, divided into three articles, is devoted to historical entomological information found in chronicles and archival sources. The beginnings of the development of Prague entomological activities can be dated to 18th and 19th centuries. These early activities included research at classical Prague localities, the first faunistic research into butterflies (Lepidoptera) and beetles (Coleoptera), activities of the members of entomological sections of first Prague natural scientific organizations, and the first processed results of scientific research in papers on entomofauna in the Prague region.

Language: czech

Keywords: entomology; Lepidoptera; Coleoptera; beginnings of research; Prague habitats; Závist; Stromovka; J. D. Preyssler; F. A. Nickerl; Em. Lokaj, sen.

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