Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Filip Grygar:
Historická, filosofická a fyzikální reflexe Bohrova převratného pojednání z roku 1913

2013, roč. 46, č. 1, s. 3-26;


Historical, philosophical and physical reflection of Bohr’s revolutio­nary step in 1913

The article summarizes from the historical, philosophical, and physical point of view the context and basis that led to Bohr´s unorthodox way of thinking and his breakthrough approach to solving physical problems. His three core articles “On the constitution of atoms and molecules” from 1913 represented revolutionary work, unusual both for their style linking contradictory ideas and for their generality and interdisciplinary complexity.

Language: czech

Keywords: Niels Bohr; Ernest Rutherford; Planck constant; quantum hypothesis; spectral lines; models of atom

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