Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Jan Krekule:
Ještě nevíme, proč kvetou… Vzpomínka na mezinárodní symposium 1964

2012, roč. 45, č. 4, s. 271-275;


We still do not know why they flower… A memory of the international symposium 1964

The article reminds readers of the events and contribution of the great international symposium “Differentiation of Apical Meristem and Some Problems of Ecological Regulation of Development of Plants” organized in Czechoslovakia in Prague and Nitra in 1964, at which a significant meeting of scientists from the East and West Bloc occurred.

Language: czech

Keywords: plant physiology; experimental botany; history of biology; science in Czechoslovakia in 1960s

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