Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Filip Grygar:
Ke zrodu a pádu legendy o německých atomových vědcích, kteří nechtěli z morálních důvodů sestrojit jaderné zbraně pro nacistické Německo

2012, roč. 45, č. 4, s. 251-270;


On the origin and fall of the legend about German atomic scientists who, for moral reasons, did not want to construct nuclear weapons for Nazi Germany

This paper deals with a debate that has gone on for more than half a century about the role of German atomic scientists during the Second World War. There have been two opposing views regarding the activity of the German physicists in the Uranium club. The prevailing and traditional version pointed out that German scientists did not want to construct an atomic bomb for Hitler for moral reasons. The second opinion holds that German scientists were working extensively not only on the atomic reactor but also on the atomic weapon. The paper interprets the latest documents, which clearly tend to support the second version.

Language: czech

Keywords: W. Heisenberg; N. Bohr; atomic weapon; Nazi Germany; Farm Hall; literary treatment

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