Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Doubravka Olšáková:
Československá věda a výzkum a centrální model plánování v letech 1946–1960

2012, roč. 45, č. 3, s. 167-181;


Science and Research in Czechoslovakia and the Model of Central Planning of Science in 1946–1960

The model of central planning of science came up for discussion in the aftermath of the de-Stalinisation process in the Soviet Union. It soon became one of the most important issues of science management in countries of the Communist bloc. Soon after the discussions took place, the model of central planning was agreed and implemented as part of the political agenda of not only the domestic Communist parties in different countries but following the wish of Moscow leaders also on the level of international cooperation within the COMECON.

Language: czech

Keywords: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; research landscape; science management; central planning; Czechoslovakia; communism; COMECON

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