Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Eva Mušková:
Vladimír Bárta a jeho podíl na formování československého elektrotechnického průmyslu

2012, roč. 45, č. 2, s. 105-123;


Vladimír Bárta and his contribution to the formation of the Czechoslovak electro-technical industry

The study deals with the life and the work of Czech electrical engineer Vladimír Bárta (1890–1973), who significantly contributed to the development of a modern and independent Czechoslovak electro-technical industry. He made a strong mark in the Elektro­technická továrna (Electro-Technical Factory) in Pilsen-Doudlevce, and he engaged intensely in investigating the history of heavy current electrical engineering. The aim of the study is not only to sum up the biographical data about Bárta but also to integrate this still little-known figure of Czech electrical engineering in the broader context.

Language: czech

Keywords: Vladimír Bárta; Czechoslovak electro-technical industry; Elektro­technická továrna (Electro-Technical Factory) in Pilsen-Doudlevce; history of electrical engineering

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