Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Alena Hadravová:
Dějiny nejstarších fází řeckého jazyka a příspěvek Antonína Bartoňka k jejich zkoumání

2011, roč. 44, č. 1, s. 26-32;


The history of ancient Greek language and the contribution of Antonín Bartoněk to its study

The history of research on the oldest phases of ancient Mediterranean languages has a long tradition in our country. A leading researcher in the field of classical philology is Antonín Bartoněk. Professor A. Bartoněk has published several monographs containing results of his lifetime work. He is an internationally recognized specialist on the Mycenaean dialect of Greek (cf. his Handbuch des mykenischen Griechisch, Heidelberg 2003; Písmo a jazyk mykénské řečtiny, Brno, Masaryk University 2007), and also author of the outstanding study Graeco-Latin Sentence Syntax in the European Context (Řecko-latinská syntax v evropském kontextu, Brno, Masaryk University 2008). The present contribution deals mainly with his new book Dialects of the Classical Greek Language (Dialekty klasické řečtiny, Brno, Masaryk University 2009), which summarizes his results in this field.

Language: czech

Keywords: classical philology; ancient Greek language; ancient Greek dialectology

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