Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart Společnost pro dějiny věd a techniky

Vítězslav Orel:
Z historie dědičnosti před Mendelovým příchodem do Brna

2010, roč. 43, č. 1, s. 45-48;


The Struggle for Life in the Problem of Heredity

At the XXIIth yearly meeting of the sheep Breeder’s Association in Brno in 1836, J. k. nestler, professor of agriculture and natural science, proposed a pressing question about the inheritance capacity of the noble stock animal. According to F. C. napp, abbot of the Augustinian monastery, the offspring of selected sheep are the product of a life and death struggle between rams for selected ewes. In 1859 Ch. Darwin explained the struggle for life in natural selection and the origin of species. napp’s idea of the struggle for
life and death is explained in the context of g. Mendel’s 1865 explanation of the law of the formation and development of hybrids.

Language: czech

Keywords: physiological research; problem of heredity; struggle for life and death between rams in selected sheep in 1836

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