Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Zuzana Pešková:
Chosen undertakings of colonization of the same locators in Bohemia

2011, Volume 44, Issue 4, pp. 237-260;


Triangulation of villages in the era of the High Middle Ages imprinted characteristic features to the Czech settlement structure. It was connected with a person of the so-called locator. According to the chosen criteria the layout structure was compared at the selected groups of settlements, founded by the same locator, the surveyed system was identified and the connection of the basic module and ligament was checked.

Language: czech

Keywords: urbanism; colonization; 13th and 14th centuries; Beroun, Dobříš, Chomutov and Humpolec regions; Štěpán z Tetína, Jiří z Milevska, Jan Jindřich (baillif from Provensdorf), Pešek Benešovský, Arvo, Jindřich (master of the mint in Humpolec)

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