Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Zdeněk Žalud:
Academically Educated Physicians in Written Disputes and Polemics of the 16th and 17th Centuries – part two

2023, Volume 56, Issue 4, pp. 180-201


The study which deals with polemical content of the published texts of Czech academically educated doctors is based on the analysis of the three writings of Tadeáš Hájek of Hájek Actio medica and Antifanchelius...contra Philippi Fanchelii Responsum, respectively Responsum ad exegesin... and of a trio of posthumously issued medical case studies (consilia medica) of Jan Marek Marci of Kronland. The writings of the first author comment on the unsuccessful treatment of a noble child patient, in which another doctor, Filip Fauchelius, fatally interfered with Hájek, using his iatrochemical drugs. Hájek critically evaluated the activities of his competitor, tried to defend his personal prestige and enforce the regulation of medical practice, so that there would be no further deaths of patients due to improper treatment. Marci’s councils have a significantly less polemical charge. The Czech doctor used them, among other things, for a psychological view of erectile dysfunction. Marci unacknowledgedly connects the interpretation of this particular case with his theory of perception, which he presented in his work Liturgia mentis. The study also seeks to explain why this consilia was not published during Marci‘s lifetime.

Language: czech

Keywords: medical controversy; Tadeáš Hájek (Thaddeas Hajek); medical liability; regulation of medical practice; Jan Marek Marci; medical case studies (consilia medica); theory of perception

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