Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Vladimír Karpenko:
The depictions of alchemical laboratories: How much do they reflect the reality?

2020, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp. 213-244


The paper analyzes approaches at the reconstruction of an alchemical laboratory as depicted in the paintings of old masters. Problem of different indirect sources is outlined, because no original laboratory has survived intact up to the present. There are archeological findings, and, more importantly, written evidence. Works of metallurgists and assayers of the period (V. Biringuccio, G. Agricola, L. Ercker) were consulted, as well as treatises of several outstanding alchemists (Sebald Schwertzer, Mathäus Brandau, Michael Maier, and Heinrich Khunrath). Further sources include accounts for equipment, and correspondence between laboratory owners. The works of the alchemists usually provide recipes, and based on them, we may figure out what kind of equipment was used. Finally, these findings are compared with three works (paintings and engravings) by the masters from 16 and 17th century.

Language: czech

Keywords: alchemical laboratory, laboratory equipment, instruments, metallurgists, alchemists, old paintings

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