Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Roman Kolek:
The Elbe river and Brandýs region in the Early Modern Age

2018, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp. 132-156


The material contribution aims to show that a number of interesting and new data can be found even in documents about smaller localities on the Elbe, which make possible to get to know the mutual relationship of their inhabitants and the river in the Early Modern Age. The article is also an addition to other papers on the Labe theme, especially in the territorial context of the study of rafting between towns Kolín and Nymburk. Even though the town Brandýs or Čelákovice could not be placed on the same level with the larger royal towns there various documents for the transport or economic use of the Elbe and the impact of the river on the life of the monitored localities also can be found as sources of livelihood. Most of the written records were created due to disputes, for example between millers and fishermen etc. Most of the documents come from the period before the Thirty Years’ War.

Language: czech

Keywords: the Elbe river; Brandýs nad Labem; Čelákovice; Matteo Borgorelli; Viktorin Houser; Ettore de Vaccani; Early Modern Period; bridges; water mills; weirs; timber rafting; fishing

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