Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Petr Morávek:
Importance of the gold mining in the medieval history of the Czech lands

2016, Volume 49, Issue 3, pp. 162-177;


The contribution evaluates importance of the gold mining compared with silver mining based on the contemporary course of both precious metals and the estimate of their production in the medieval history of the Czech lands. In great details it deals with history of gold mining in the Jílové mining district as the probably most significant at the time. Coincident features of Jílové matrix of seals, about 1350 promoted by Charles IV to royal town, with the matrix of seals of Charles University from the same period implies their same origin and the significance of gold production in the Jílové mining district for then Prague construction.

Language: czech

Keywords: gold; silver; mining history; Luxembourgs; matrixes of seals of Jílové town and Charles University

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