Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Ana Cergol Paradiž – Željko Oset:
The dichotomy of students and university teachers of Slovenian descent between academic careers and the expectations of the Slovenian nationalists: From the March revolution to the dissolution of the Habsburg monarchy

2015, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 240-258


The subject of our research will be a graphical representation of the number of Slovenian students at individual Austrian universities for the period from the second half of the 19th century until the First World War. This will be followed (mainly through biographical method) by the analysis of the complex and ambivalent relationships between (especially natural) scientists of Slovenian descent, whose main professional goal was to successfully function in the academic field, and the Slovenian nationalists, whose long-term goal was to form the Slovenian national identity and the Slovenian nation.

Language: english

Keywords: students; scientists; Austrian universities; Slovenia; 19th century; Jožef Stefan; Franc Miklošič; Angela Piskernik; Boris Zarnik; Maks Samec; Josip Plemelj

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