Pavel Mervart Publishing
Society for the History of Sciences and Technology
For Authors
Editorial Board
Publication Ethics
2015 / 4
”Provincial“ Universities and Scientific Networks in the Habsburg Monarchy: Introductory Remarks
[editorial, en]
Mitchell G. Ash
Unflinching loyalty or calm before the storm? Some events at the Prague University in the first half of the 19th Century
Milada Sekyrková
Communicating Politics in the Dissecting Room The Influence of Medical Students and Physicians from Prague Charles-Ferdinand University on the Liberal Model of Human Progress at Vienna University
Felicitas Seebacher
Gathering Experience Abroad The study-tours of students and teachers from the Technical University of Budapest 1899–1914
Attila Szilárd Tar
The dichotomy of students and university teachers of Slovenian descent between academic careers and the expectations of the Slovenian nationalists: From the March revolution to the dissolution of the Habsburg monarchy
Ana Cergol Paradiž – Željko Oset
Alma mater Carolo-Ferdinandea bohemica – Alma mater Jagellonica: Mutual inspirations and contacts between Czech Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague and Jagiellonian University in Cracow 1882–1918
Marek Ďurčanský
Turning “Province” to a “Centre”? Ambitions to Establish an Institutionalized Network of Slavic Scientists at the Turn of the 19th Century
Soňa Štrbáňová
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