Pavel Mervart Publishing Society for the History of Sciences and Technology

Alena Hadravová:
The History of Ancient Greek Language and the Contribution of Antonín Bartoněk to its Study II. The Testimony of the Inscriptions Written in Ancient Greek Dialects

2013, Volume 46, Issue 1, pp. 38-44;


The linguistic work of Antonín Bartoněk has influenced the world history of studies on classical languages for a long time. His new Czech monograph Chréstomatie starořeckých nářečních nápisů (Chrestomathy of Ancient Greek Dialect Inscriptions. Brno, Masaryk University, 2011) is briefly reviewed here as a supplement to the review published in DVT 43, 2011, pp. 26–32.

Language: czech

Keywords: classical philology; ancient Greek language; ancient Greek epigraphy; ancient Greek dialectology

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