Aims & Scope
The journal publishes mainly original articles of the above-mentioned focus especially – but not exclusively – in Czech and Central European context. It also welcomes contributions on applications of these sciences (for instance on the history of medicine, architecture, arts, institutions, relations between science and society, and others), eventually their overlap in the direction of social sciences and humanities.
Considered are also submissions on particular disciplines belonging to the theory, philosophy, and sociology of science, general, cultural, and intellectual history, history of education, history of ideas, etc. The journal publishes results of original research in the form of articles, but includes also shorter factual communications, specialised contributions to discussion or essays, commented documents, bibliographies, or interviews.
It reserves space to reviews of recent relevant domestic and international publications and other short reports on publications, research, popularisation, scientific events, and other developments in the history of sciences and technology.
The journal is intended for publication of articles in Czech or English, for example in thematic issues (see e.g. all-English issues 4/2015, 4/2016). In addition to a brief abstract, each article is followed by an English summary at the end, which can be more extensive and refer to the issue in a more challenging way. For example, articles in other national languages may be published within a thematic block (see e.g. issue 3/2020), subject to agreement with the editors.